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Educational activity in the national and regional labor market of the Higher College named after Tekei Batyr Karpykuly (former "Zhas Orken") is implemented on the basis of Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Department of Justice of Kyzylorda region (Certificate of state registration of a legal entity 01.11.2002 № 5165-1033-M), and on the basis of  the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Charter of the college.
The regular functioning of higher college named after Tekei Batyr Karpykuly in accordance with the normative legal documents is monitored by The Department of Education and the Department of Education Control of Kyzylorda oblast. 
Based on the National Plan of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev  "100 concrete steps", Higher College named after Tekei Batyr Karpykuly operates on the basis of the Strategic Plan for 2016-2021.
The college is one of the leading organizations of technical and vocational education in the region. It is an educational institution that has its own place in the education market, has a dynamically developing material and technical base and uses innovative teaching technologies. The activities of the college are aimed at training qualified specialists in the labor market in accordance with the socio-economic needs of the region.
The college carries out educational activities on the basis of the license 16KZ78LAA00018391 dated June 16, 2020. The license is issued in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the national education system. The college trains specialists in full-time and part-time education, the language of education is the state and Russian languages. It is taught in the state language in accordance with the needs of the current contingent.
The mission of the college is to train competitive professionals with a high level of competence for the development of the production potential and economy of the new Kazakhstan in the new world.
The mission of the college shows its role and place in the socio-economic and educational space of the region, as well as in today's market conditions due to the demand for professionals with theoretical and practical skills, high personal qualities, who are competitive, able to develop their knowledge and skills.

 Training in technical and vocational education is carried out in the following specialties:
01120100 – Pre-school education and training
04120200 - Evaluation (by industry and scope)
04110100 - Accounting and audit (by industry)
07130100 - Power supply (by industry)
07150600 - Locksmithing (by industry and type)
07130100 - Electrical equipment (by types and industries)
07321100 - Installation and operation of engineering systems of housing and communal services
07321200 - Design and operation of gas supply equipment and systems
07320100– Construction and operation of buildings and structures
07321300 - Operation of treatment facilities for water supply and sewerage systems
07220100 - Manufacture of construction products and structures
10320200 - Emergency protection (by industry)
07230100 – Sewing and clothing modeling
06130100 - Software (by type)
10410300 - Organization of traffic and traffic management by road
07151100 - Operation of machinery and equipment (by industry)
During its existence, the college has trained more than 2,000 specialists in the above specialties.
In order to organize and conduct the educational process in the Higher College named after Tekei Batyr Karpykuly, cyclic methodical commissions are established and work in the following areas:
"Natural sciences and humanities"
"Technical disciplines"
Currently, the number of teachers is 41.
Out of the total number of teachers, the quality indicator is 65%. That is, the highest category - 16, the first category - 11, as well as the second category - 11, no category - 3. The share of teachers with academic degrees is 35%: Doctor of Science - 1, Candidate of Science - 8, Master of Science - 6.
Material and technical base of the college
Equipped with modern technological equipment, the Higher College named after Tekei Batyr Karpykuly provides students with a high level of quality education.
The design capacity of the educational building is 500 places.
There are 3 training and production laboratories, 3 training and production workshops on specialties. Number of training and production bases on a contractual basis with institutions is 30. Sewing and clothing modeling shop.
The library is designed for 20 people, a dining room (buffet) for 20 people.
In order to improve the physical culture and organize the work of the APC, there is an outdoor sports field and a military playground.
The material and technical base and scope of work of the college is systematized and fully equipped with information technology. In addition, all classrooms and laboratories are equipped with modern interactive whiteboards.

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