13 October 2021 , 10:13

October 13: timeline of major events

1929 – The first radio program airs live in North Kazakhstan region. 
1950 – A settlement Arkalyk which later will turn into the center of Turgai region is formed in Kostanay region. 
1995 - Kazakhstan's Diabetic Association is founded in the country. In 1996, it joins the International Diabetic Federation uniting 176 countries of the world. 
1999 - Nuclear power industry committee of the Kazakh Energy, Industry and Trade Ministry is established. 
2010 - Kazakhstan's silver coin called Tiger is awarded 'The most beautiful coin' and 'The most technologically advanced coin' awards at the 26th conference of Mint Directors Conference held in Canberra. 
2014 – The Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Togo sign the joint communique on the establishment of the diplomatic relations in New York. 
2015 - A historical monument and an archeological park Ancient Taraz is unveiled in Taraz city. 
2018 - Dias Bakhraddin beats Uzbek Islomjon Abdusalomov in the men’s canoe sprint final of the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics bringing Kazakhstan gold.
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